Monday, August 10, 2009

A Response to the Dr. Stephen E. Fraser letter (and copycats) Part 2


PART 2 of 3

> Page 95 HC Bill Lines 8-18: The Govt will use groups i.e., ACORN & Americorps to sign up individuals for Govt HC plan.

This is an absolute lie and a silly leap in logic. Again, Dr. Fraser, you use buzzwords like “ACORN” and “Americorps” to frighten ignorant people that you know will never read the actual healthcare reform proposal (too bad that I did). Notice that I use the term “proposal” and you use the term “bill.” These lines simply say that the government will conduct outreach activities to make sure individuals and employers understand their rights and benefits under the health plan. Apparently, you’d rather people not be informed. I find that strange, because I believe the more people that know about their plan, the more money you will make. Oh wait – all the doctors are going to be poor, right? Apparently not, considering the massive paychecks (think $600K+) that many doctors under the NHS plan get in the UK. I should also mention that NHS doctors get bonuses for KEEPING PATIENTS WELL and have pay-for-performance incentives based on patient feedback and long-term health.

> Page 85 Line 7 HC Bill: Specifications of Benefit Levels for Plans. AARP members - your Health care WILL be rationed.

Stephen, see three lines above. I think you’ve repeated yourself.

> Page 102 Lines 12-18 HC Bill: Medicaid Eligible Individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No choice.

Excuse me? It says for people that refuse to enroll in a plan will automatically be enrolled in Medicaid. That seems like a pretty open choice – the choice NOT to enroll in a QHBP.

> Page 124 lines 24-25 HC: No company can sue GOVT on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Govt Monopoly.

It isn’t a monopoly. I believe that 5/6th in the United States of people are currently insured. The government health plan is one option for the uninsured. The proposal does not prohibit a person from buying private insurance or from being insured by his or her employer. I do think this is strong language, and it will probably be restructured. I am sure there will be some limitations on legal action concerning the price of services, but perhaps this is extreme wording.

> Page 127 Lines 1-16 HC Bill: Doctors/ American Medical Association - The Govt will tell YOU what you can make! (salary)

Actually, it gives doctors the choice of payment rates or payment ratios. Also, these doctors will be a part of an incentive plan, as mentioned above, that focuses on rewarding doctors for the quality of care over the volume of patience and ordered services. Doctors will receive bonuses if their patients get well and stay healthy. There will be less of an incentive to milk every dollar of the insurance companies by ordering needless, costly procedures, and can do so while being arrogant and condescending.

For example, I went in to the doctor recently and told him that I thought I may have a kidney stone. He ordered a blood test, urinalysis, and a CAT scan. Seriously – a CAT scan? But he did it in a disingenuous way – he barely looked at me during the 5 minutes I was there and interrupted me any time I tried to speak. He said, “If we don’t call, you aren’t dying” and walked out of the room. Eventually, I walked into the hall, and I saw another guy standing there. He asked the nurse, “Is he done with me? He just walked out – he didn’t say anything.” “Yeah, that means he’s done with you.” Wow. Talk about personal care. For those that think the “Obama plan” will result in “worse doctors,” well, God save us if that happens.

There is nothing in the literature that suggests these doctors can’t accept private patients! This only pertains to patients covered under the government plan. And fixed prices for services is nothing new – this is how private insurance plans currently work.

> Page 145 Line 15-17: An Employer MUST auto enroll employees into public option plan. NO CHOICE!

This is absolutely not true. This section describes the requirements for employers that wish to use the plan. Title I of the bill does not prohibit employers from enrolling employees in private plans.

> Page 126 Lines 22-25: Employers MUST pay for HC for part time employees AND their families.

VERY strange. Page 126 says that a health care provider may not “participate in the public health insurance option unless such provider is appropriately licensed or certified under State law.” There is no mention of part time employees.

> Page 149 Lines 16-24: ANY Employer with payroll 401k & above who does not provide public option pays 8% tax on all payroll.

Half-true. Any employer with over 400K in payroll that does not offer a private plan or enroll in the public plan will be taxed 8% of any employee's average pay that is not covered. I don't believe it is on "all payroll." It indicates a tax only for uninsured employees. And the doctor implies that an employer must take the public option, which is not true. Due to backlash, I have heard this number will be raised to $750K.

> Page 150 Lines 9-13: Business's with payroll btw 251k & 401k who doesn't provide public option pays 2-6% tax on all payroll.

This is on a sliding scale. The same is true here. The employer can have public or private insurance; it is the absence of insurance for an employee that results in the tax. I've read that this number is being raised to $500K.

> Page 167 Lines 18-23: ANY individual who doesn't have acceptable HC according to Govt will be taxed 2.5% of income.

This is tricky. It does say this, but it also says this amount shall not exceed the applicable national average premium. This is basically an incentive to get people to join, at minimum, a basic health plan. Consider that the cost will be quite small, considering the number of people that will be on the plan.

> Page 170 Lines 1-3 HC Bill: Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay)

Yes, they are exempt because they aren't covered. See here:

> Page 195 HC Bill: Officers & employees of HC Admin (GOVT) will have access to ALL Americans finances /personal records.

NO. This applies to people that want an affordability tax credit. This information suggests that someone must prove they are eligible for tax credits - just like every other type of credit in existence.

> Page 203 Line 14-15 HC: "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax" Yes, it says that!

. What is your point? You've taken it out of context.

> Page 239 Line 14-24 HC Bill: Govt will reduce physician services for Medicaid Seniors, low income and poor are affected.

There is absolutely no mention of anything like this on this page.

> Page 241 Line 6-8 HC Bill: Doctors, doesn't matter what specialty you have, you'll all be paid the same!

This doesn't apply to the specialists specialties, only the services. Why pay a specialist more than a general practitioner for the same service?

> Page 253 Line 10-18: Govt sets value of Doctor's time, proffession, judgment etc. Literally value of humans.

First, as a professional, you should probably know how to spell "profession." Second, this has to do with generating codes to differentiate between services. This is no different than private insurance. Again, you have to have a way to categorize things in order to measure success, costs, or growth. The "literally value of humans" has nothing to do with the subject matter, and is spoken like a true lunatic.

> Page 265 Sec 1131: Govt mandates & controls productivity for private HC industries.

This is related to Medicare costs and the Market Basket Update, and there is certainly not enough information to make this claim from the information provided.

> Page 268 Sec 1141: Federal Govt regulates rental & purchase of power driven wheelchairs.

, this relates to Medicare. Apparently, the Market Basket Update is something seniors want.

> Page 272 SEC. 1145: TREATMENT OF CERTAIN CANCER HOSPITALS - Cancer patients - welcome to rationing!

, one of us is completely incompetent. Because to me, this page reads, "We are doing a study to determine whether we need to reclassify the costs to hospitals of outpatient cancer treatment by comparing the price of care across different outpatient cancer care centers. We will then raise the amount of money the government pays by modifying the Ambulatory Payment Classifications associated with said costs." I agree that was confusing; they are welcome to use my definition.



  1. SF's reactions are more akin to an adolescent temper tantrum than a thoughtful assessment of the proposed legislation

  2. Must practice medicine in a carnival tent. Just a huckster.

  3. Does anyone that Dr Fraser recently had a meeting in washington with both Sen Bayh and Sen Lugar. Some follow-up creative writing anticipated soon from the good doctor! It's so obvious that he's only looking out for his own selfish interests, and that his only concern is that he will make less money. All these specialists need to take a pay cut just so the primary care doctors can earn more, so we can eliminate the real shortage of primary care doctors. Dr F is being driven crazy by this reality. He thinks he's entitled to whatever he wants, even if it crushes his patients and fellow citizens. Does this attitude fit with your definition of "patriot" - Dr F seems to get some sort of boost from referring to himself as a patriot. Foolish on its face. His only loyalty is to his own rate of pay, his sense of holding a special place in the world. Probably meets the diagnosis of personality disorder and narcissist. Don't you get the feeling that it's all about him? Must be a real joy to work with. Or be married to.

    He's just crawling around in the TeaPartiers and Birthers muck, aligning himself with bad elements because he's so terrified that he might earn a little less money. What a creepy doctor he must be. Doe he demand cash co-pays from patients before putting them to sleep for essential surgery. I bet he'd like to - he's just that slimey.

  4. Thank you so much for doing the hard work on this. I needed to send this back to people who sent me this letter.

  5. My father sent me that pile of garbage. I looked up many of the references and couldn't see what the good doctor saw. I have sent the link to these pages to my dad and some of my other relatives that he cc'ed. Thank you so much!
